Currently working with revision @ 2010-09-22 18:23:10 by Simon. Current version
Call of Duty 4 game log file
All log files on INX Call of Duty 4 game servers are kept in a hidden folder called .callofduty4. You’ll find this in the very root of FTP.
The Call of Duty 4 gameserver engine by default will store a variety of different log files, including the console log, and in a seperate folder, Punkbuster logs.
If you are looking to set up a stats program, like for example Ultrastats or Statsgen, you’ll be interested in the main game log, which is called games_mp.log.
You’ll find the exact location on your Call of Duty 4 server as follows:
What data does this file contain?
games_mp.log is used in conjunction with stats, so you’ll find the following information on your Call of Duty 4 gameserver:
- Specific timestamps
- Maps played
- Server version
- Kill data – where the shot hit, what gun was used etc
- Player data – their display name, and GUID