Killing Floor Web Admin
To setup and connect to the web admin that comes with Killing Floor, you need to make a couple of minior changes to the KillingFloor.ini which you can edit via the file editor. First find the line that starts:
This is the start of the web admin configuration. First you need to change the following line from False to True:
Next we need to set the port as the default of 8075 will be in use by another customer and so find one that is higher or lower that works. This is completely different to the port your server listens on for clients eg 27015 if you try and use that it won’t work.
Then we need to change the username and password used to login to webadmin.
AdminName=Admin AdminPassword=Adminpass
All together you should have something like this:
[2] Applications[3]=xWebAdmin.UTServerAdmin ApplicationPaths[4]=/ServerAdmin Applications[5]=xWebAdmin.UTImageServer ApplicationPaths[6]=/images bEnabled=True ListenPort=8075 AdminName=Admin AdminPassword=Adminpass
Once all changed save and restart your server and test. If the port your using is not letting you login and your sure you have the correct details, it means someone is using that port and so will need to find another port to use.