Instead of searching for the various commands that you can use on your server, i am going to compile a list of useful commands all in one place.
I am aware that this may not be an exhaustive list of the commands, but if you know of any others that are not on the list, let me know and i will happily add it to the list. Here goes…
As you can see, this is a long list and may be a little difficult to find exactly what you are looking for. What i would suggest is using your find function and searching for key words (e.g. search for ban) which will highlight items that are related to your search.
Command |
Description |
PB_SV_AutoUpdBan | Set to 1 (defaults to 0) if you want PB to automatically update the permanent ban file (pbbans.dat) after each change to the banlist in memory |
PB_SV_BadName | Adds a bad name to the list of bad names for the server to disallow in player names |
PB_SV_BadNameDel | Deletes a bad name from the list of bad names |
PB_SV_BadNameList | Displays the current bad name list for the Game Server; see the section dealing with the Player Name Management Facility |
PB_SV_Ban | Removes a player from the game and permanently bans that player from the server based on the player’s guid (based on the cdkey); the ban is logged and also written to the pbbans.dat file in the pb folder |
PB_SV_BanEmpty | Empties the current ban list stored in memory |
PB_SV_BanGuid | Adds a guid directly to PB’s permanent ban list; if the player_name or IP_Address are not known, we recommend using “???” |
PB_SV_BanList | Displays the list of bans in the console, including kicks with a temporary ban; if the [optional_search_text] parameter is specified, then only bans/kicks that include the search text are listed (useful for searching for a specific name / guid). |
PB_SV_BanLoad | Loads a PB Ban List from the specified file; if no filename specified, then pbbans.dat is loaded |
PB_SV_BanMask | Permanently bans players from joining the server from the specified IP Address / Subnet Mask; for example: issuing PB_SV_BanMask “12.34.” will cause PB to deny access to all players trying to join from an IP Address that begins with “12.34.”; These bans are written to the pbbans.dat file just like bans issued with the PB_SV_Ban command |
PB_SV_Disable | Disables the PunkBuster Server Software – the disabling does not take effect until the game server is exited and restarted |
PB_SV_Enable | Enables the PunkBuster Server Software |
PB_SV_GetSs | Sends a request to all applicable connected players asking for a screen shot to be captured and sent to the PB Server; to specify a player name or substring (as opposed to slot #), surround the text with double-quote marks |
PB_SV_IPGuard | The PunkBuster Server automatically adds suspicious IP Addresses to the IP Guard list when players join with a non-functioning PunkBuster client; Players joining from a guarded IP with an old version of PunkBuster are removed from the server; The PB_SV_IPGuard command allows admins to add their own suspicious IP Addresses to the list |
PB_SV_Kick | Removes a player from the game and won’t let the player rejoin until specified [minutes] has passed or until the server is restarted, whichever comes first – kicks are not written to the pbbans.dat file but they are logged and will show up in the output from the pb_sv_banlist command |
PB_SV_Load | Loads the specified PunkBuster configuration file which can contain PunkBuster commands and/or setting changes |
PB_SV_NameLock | Causes the PunkBuster Server to kick players wearing a locked name unless the player’s GUID contains the specified GUID or partial match associated with a locked name; NameLocks are not stored to disk automatically so Admins should add these to the pbsvuser.cfg file in order to have NameLocks extend to future server sessions |
PB_SV_NameLockEmpty | Empties the list of NameLocks in memory |
PB_SV_NameLockList | Displays the list of NameLocks to the server console |
PB_SV_NewLog | Causes PunkBuster to close the current PunkBuster log and open a new one |
PB_SV_PList | Displays a list of connected players and their current status |
PB_SV_Power | Adds player in specified slot # to the locally stored PB Player Power database with the specified power rating. |
PB_SV_PowerList | Displays a list of Power Players in the database; if filter is specified, then only entries where the filter is either in the guid and/or name fields are displayed |
PB_SV_PowerPoints | Changes the number of Power Points assigned to a Power Player in the database; use the PB_SV_PowerList command to get the power slot # |
PB_SV_ProtectName | Protects the specified PunkBuster Registered Name on the local server so that players who wear the protected name without having the correct Registration Credentials will be removed from the server |
PB_SV_ProtectTag | Protects the specified PunkBuster Registered Tag on the local server so that players who wear the protected tag without having the correct Registration Credentials will be removed from the server |
PB_SV_ReBan | Rebans a player who has been mistakenly Unbanned with the pb_sv_unban command; use pb_sv_updbanfile to update the permanent ban file after using this command |
PB_SV_Task | Adds a task to PB’s Task List; The Task will be executed X seconds after entry and every Y seconds thereafter; use -1 for Y if a one-time task is desired; this can be used to execute game server commands as well as PB commands |
PB_SV_TaskDel | Removes the task from PB’s Task List that corresponds to the specified task slot # |
PB_SV_TaskEmpty | Empties the list of Tasks in memory |
PB_SV_TList | Displays a list of PB Tasks along with a task slot # for each task |
PB_SV_UnBan | Unbans a player from the ban list stored in memory; use pb_sv_updbanfile to update the permanent ban file after using this command |
PB_SV_UnBanGuid | Unbans a guid from the ban list stored in memory; use pb_sv_updbanfile to update the permanent ban file after using this command |
PB_SV_Update | Forces the PB Server to attempt a PB software update even if no players are currently connected |
PB_SV_UpdBanFile | Updates the specified ban file (pbbans.dat is used if none specified) with regard to recent unbans/rebans |
PB_SV_Ver | Displays the currently running version of the PunkBuster Server software |
PB_SV_WriteCfg | Writes the current values of the PunkBuster Server settings to the local hard drive (creating or overwriting a file called pbsv.cfg) in such a way that they will be loaded automatically the next time the PunkBuster Server starts; server admins who wish to manage multiple config files for different situations will usually not use this command at all |