INX Gaming Tutorial: Useful Mani Admin commands

Instead of searching for the various commands that you can use when you have Mani Admin installed on your server, i am going to compile a list of useful commands all in one place.

I am aware that this may not be an exhaustive list of the commands, but if you know of any others that are not on the list, let me know and i will happily add it to the list. Here goes… :)

As you can see, this is a long list and may be a little difficult to find exactly what you are looking for. What i would suggest is using your find function and searching for key words (e.g. search for ban) which will highlight items that are related to your search.




ma_aban_name Ban Adds a players name to the autokick_name.txt list. When a player then joins with that name, they are automatically banned.
ma_aban_pname Ban Adds a partial name to the autokick_pname.txt list. Whena player then joins with a name that has a partial matchto the added pname, they are automatically banned
ma_admingroups Must be in adminlist.txt Shows information on the admin group restrictions
ma_admins Must be in adminlist.txt Shows information on the admins and their restrictions
ma_akick_ip Kick Adds an ip address to the autokick_ip.txt list. When a player then joins with an ip address that has a match to the added ip address, they are automatically kicked
ma_akick_name Kick Adds a players name to the autokick_name.txt list. When a player then joins with that name, they are automaticallykicked
ma_akick_pname Kick Adds a partial name to the autokick_pname.txt list. When a player then joins with a name that has a partial match to the added pname, they are automatically kicked
ma_akick_steam Kick Adds a steam id to the autokick_steam.txt list. When a player then joins with a steam that has a match to the added steam id, they are automatically kicked
ma_ashow_ip Must be in adminlist.txt Shows the current status of the autokick_ip.txt file contents
ma_ashow_name Must be in adminlist.txt Shows the current status of the autokick_name.txt file contents
ma_ashow_pname Must be in adminlist.txt Shows the current status of the autokick_pname.txt file contents
ma_ashow_steam Must be in adminlist.txt Shows the current status of the autokick_steam.txt file contents
ma_balance Team swap Balances teams to within mp_limitteams
ma_ban Ban Bans a player by steam id, with optional ban time, if no ban time is specified then it is assumed to be a permanent ban
ma_banip Ban Bans a player by ip address, with optional ban time, if no ban time is specified then it is assumed to be a permanent ban
ma_beacon Beacon Turns player into a beacon
ma_blind Blind Blinds a player on the server with a specified blindness ranging from 0-255.
ma_browse N/A Opens a web browser window in the game at the web address that you supply
ma_burn Burn Sets fire to a player for 30 seconds
ma_cexec Must have non-menu access to cexec command Runs a command as though it were being run from the target player’s machine
ma_cexec_all Must have non-menu access to cexec command Runs a client command on all players on the server
ma_cexec_ct Must have non-menu access to cexec command Runs a client command on all ct players on the server
ma_cexec_spec Must have non-menu access to cexec command Runs a client command on all spectators on the server
ma_cexec_t Must have non-menu access to cexec command Runs a client command on all t players on the server
ma_chat ma_chat flag As admin this sends a message to all admins on the server. In game the command is @ <message> in team say mode. There must be a space between @ and your message
ma_csay ma_say flag As admin this sends a message to all players on the server that will appear in the center of the screen. In game the command is @@@ <message> in all talk mode. There must be a space between @@@ and your message. If run from the server console, the (ADMIN) part of the message is not displayed.
ma_decal If you have a valid decal in the list it will spray that decal permanently on the object. Not all objects can be sprayed on.
ma_dropc4 Drop C4 Forces the player with the bomb to drop it
ma_drug Drug Changes a players z axis view every 1.5 seconds, run the command again to stop the punishment for a player
ma_effect Rcon This is primarily for Matties Event Script writers. See here on details on how to use this
ma_explode Explode Creates an explosion effect with sound at your current location when alive or dead
ma_firebomb Fire bomb Turns them into a walking fire bomb
ma_forcegametype Used to force the plugin to re-configure itself for the current game mod
ma_freeze Freeze Freezes or un-freezes a player on the server with so they can’t move. When they fire their weapon it drops out of their hands.
ma_freezebomb Freeze bomb Turns them into a walking freeze bomb
ma_game Shows the current game description
ma_gimp Must be an admin Turns the player into a gimp and changes their name to one set in gimpphrase.txt
ma_give Give weapon/ammo Gives a player the specified weapon
ma_giveammo Give weapon/ammo Gives a player the specified ammo
ma_givecash Cash Adds cash to a players cash level
ma_givecashp Cash Adds X percent onto a players cash level
ma_givehealth Set health Increase the players health by the specified amount
ma_givehealthp Set health Increase the players health by the specified percentage
ma_help None Shows most of the commands you can run from the server console/client console/in game chat.
ma_immunity Must be in adminlist.txt Shows information on the users that are immune
ma_immunity groups Must be in adminlist.txt Shows information on the immunity groups
ma_kick Kick Kicks a player from the server
ma_knives Weapon restriction Sets restriction so only knives are allowed
ma_map Change map Change to a new map
ma_mapcycle Must be in adminlist.txt Shows what the plug-in thinks is in the mapcycle.txt file
ma_maplist Must be in adminlist.txt Shows what the plug-in thinks is in the maplist.txt file
ma_msay Must be run from server console This displays an AMX style box with your message in it. The time parameter is the number of seconds the box is shown for, a time of 0 is infinite. The message can have line breaks denoted by using a \n in the message
ma_mute Must be an admin Mutes a player
ma_noclip No Clip Places the user in ‘no clip’ mode where they can fly through objects but still interact with the world. Gives player god mode on CS Source but not on HL2DM
ma_nosnipers Weapon restriction Sets restriction so sniper weapons are not allowed
ma_offset Used to check useful offsets required by the plugin to function
ma_offsetscan Used to find a particular value within a memory range
ma_pistols Weapon restriction Sets restriction so only pistols are allowed
ma_play Playsound Plays a sound held in the list seen on the admin menu/ma_showsounds.
ma_plranks Must be in adminlist.txt Shows all players that have a ranks
ma_position None Gives your current X Y Z coordinates
ma_psay ma_psay chat flag As admin this sends a chat message to the specified player. In game the command is @@ <player> <message> in any say mode. There must be a space between @@ and the player name and message
ma_ranks Must be in adminlist.txt Shows all players in the rank list, regardless of whether they are ranked yet or not
ma_rates Must have ma_rates admin flag Show players on server with information about their rate, cl_updaterate and cl_cmdrate settings. Typing ma_rates by itself brings back all users
ma_rcon Must have non-menu access to rcon admin Runs a rcon command as though you were logged in with rcon rights. As a side effect you will not get feedback from the server as to the results of running the command
ma_render Set colour Defines the mode of rendering of a player. See here for details
ma_renderfx Set colour Defines the type of effect applied to the current render mode. See here for details
ma_restrict Restrict weapon Restrict a weapon (can be used via rcon script .cfg file too !). An optional parameter can be supplied after the weapon to name to allow only a certain amount of the weapon to be used per team. For example ma_restrict awp 2 will allow only 2 awps per team to be used.
ma_saveloc Teleport Saves your current location on the map so you can teleport players to that location.
ma_say ma_say flag As admin this sends a message to all players on the server. In game the command is @ <message> in all talk mode. There must be a space between @ and your message
ma_setcash Cash Sets a players cash level
ma_sethealth Set health Sets a players health
ma_setnextmap Map Change Sets the next map that will be played in the cycle
ma_setskin Set player skin Force a player to the specified custom skin
ma_settings Shows your stored player settings, teleport locations and damage settings
ma_shotguns Weapon restriction Sets restriction so only shotguns are allowed
ma_showrestrict Restrict weapon Show all weapons and their restriction statuses
ma_showsounds None Shows all the sounds available for playing
ma_slap Slap Slaps a player on the server with a specified damage amount, if no damage is specified then 0 damage is assumed
ma_slay Slay Slays a player on the server if they are alive
ma_spec Must be an admin Force a player to the spectators
ma_swapteam Team swap Swaps a player to the opposite team
ma_takecash Cash Takes cash from a players cash level
ma_takecashp Cash Takes X percent from a players cash level
ma_takehealth Set health Decrease the players health by the specified amount
ma_takehealthp Set health Decrease the players health by the specified percentage
ma_teamindex Shows your current internal team index as a number
ma_teleport Teleport Teleports a player or bot to a previously saved location (see the command ma_saveloc), or to the specified coordinates. You must save a location first on a map before you can teleport a player, unless you specify the coordinates.
ma_timebomb Time bomb Turns them into a walking time bomb
ma_timeleft Shows timeleft on the server console
ma_tklist Must be in adminlist.txt Shows player currently on the tk violations list
ma_unaban_name Ban Removes a banned player name from the autokick_name.txt list. Note this does not unban an already banned player from the server.
ma_unaban_pname Ban Removes a banned partial name from the autokick_pname.txt list. Note this does not unban an already banned player from the server.
ma_unakick_ip Kick Removes an ip address from the autokick_ip.txt list.
ma_unakick_name Kick Removes a name that will be auto-kicked from the autokick_name.txt list.
ma_unakick_pname Kick Removes a partial name that will be auto-kicked from the autokick_pname.txt list.
ma_unakick_steam Kick Removes a steam id that will be auto-kicked from the autokick_steam.txt list.
ma_unban Ban Attempts to unban a player from the server by Steam ID or IP Address. Note that you must use “” around the steam id or ip address.
ma_unrestrict Restrict weapon Un-restrict a weapon (can be used via rcon script .cfg file too !)
ma_unrestrictall Restrict weapon Un-restricts any restricted weapons
ma_users Must be in adminlist.txt Shows players on server with information about steam id, ip address, ping etc. Typing ma_users by itself brings back all users
ma_version None Displays the current version of the plug-in
ma_vote Map Vote Starts a multi map vote. Use the delay type to specify when the result of the vote will be acted upon. You can specify up to 10 maps for voting
ma_voterandom Random Map Vote Starts a random map vote. Use the delay type to specify when the result of the vote will be acted upon. You can specify an unlimited number of maps
ma_votecancel Cancel Vote Allows admin to cancel an admin/system started vote
ma_voteextend Map Vote Starts and extend map vote
ma_votemaplist Must be in adminlist.txt Shows what the plug-in thinks is in the votemaplist.txt file
ma_votequestion Question Vote Starts a question vote. Use the first to specify the question, then your answers that you want players to vote for.
ma_votercon RCon Vote Starts a RCON vote. Use the first to specify the title of the vote, use the second to specify the actual rcon command that will be executed if the vote succeeds
ma_war War flag Toggles war mode on and off or if supplied with a parameter of either 0 or 1 can turn it on or off

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